ティーガン・プレスリーのインスタグラム(msteagan) - 2月6日 08時57分

11days #postpartum
My uterus is still right under my belly button and swollen.
I’m excited to see what it will be like when it travels the rest of the way down.

Most of my pregnancy I did Pilates until I couldn’t and I ate very healthy. I had mainly protein, veggies and a spinach salad for dinner. Obviously, I’d splurge but it was only usually once a week. I just had no cravings. Which every woman and pregnancy are different. This was just my journey.
I had a thing called placental anorexia, where my placenta was giving off hormones that I wasn’t hungry or that I was full instead of morning sickness. So, when I did eat I made sure it was packed full of nutritional value for the baby.
I’m amazed and thankful for what us women endure to provide the miracle of life.
Kudos to all those mamas out at the beginning, middle or end of their pregnancy...hang in there. And for the women in the after stages of pregnancy...you just went through an extraordinary experience and lived to see the fruits of your labor. Enjoy! And for the men in their lives...spoil your women. They are going through their own internal emotional conflict daily, hourly and sometimes minute to minute. They are beautiful, and show them tons of love, they deserve it and need it.
#teaganpresley #pregnancy #love #postpartumbody #babyfever #pregnantbelly #preggo #pregnancydiary


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