タイラー・シールズのインスタグラム(thetylershields) - 1月27日 02時54分

Wealth used to be someone who had food, then it became someone who had a couch, over time it went from a car to a house. Some years after that wealth meant you had a jet or a yacht. But one day out of no where you realize true wealth is Love. I want to take a moment to wish @alliemarieevans a happy birthday. I rarely post photos of myself on here and this is a photo that Allie loves of us and I love it too and her. She is a special and incredible person not only for the love she gives me, her friends, her family and most stuffed animals... but her beauty is only matched by her grace. Not a lot of people know this, in fact only a handful, but about 2 years ago now I was so sick I didn’t know what was going to happen to me. My body had shut down completely and Allie you took care of me and you nursed me back to health. I will never forget what you did for me and who you are in my life. Thank you for being my best friend. I love you. Have a great year! Swipe right to see a few favorites from over the years. Also tag someone below who is always there for you.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



