レオナルド・ディカプリオのインスタグラム(leonardodicaprio) - 1月24日 08時44分

“If the Great War of 1914 - 1918 was played out on the animal kingdom, it is here right now on the west coast of Kangaroo Island. ⁣⁣It was an apocalyptical canvas of death and destruction that rammed home our mortality and the power of nature. We found one live Koala this morning--that was it. He was just sitting dumbfounded by the base of a burnt tree. We approached cautiously, but sadly he summoned enough energy to climb up and out of our reach, otherwise we would have rescued him. 99% of Koalas being rescued are on the ground - not surprising really as they are better climbers than us.⁣⁣” - Photographer @davidyarrow reflects on a moment from his trip this week to Flinders Chase National Park on Australia’s Kangaroo Island.

If you want to help the wildlife, wildlands, and communities affected by the fires, make a donation to
the #AustraliaWildfireFund today. See link in bio above.


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