Loeweさんのインスタグラム写真 - (LoeweInstagram)「To celebrate Lunar New Year, we have returned to China to meet the families that are keeping time-honoured traditions and handcraft skills alive.  We travelled to Pujiang, a county of the Zhejiang province, to meet the craftsman Wei Yonglai, who has been building bench dragons for his village for over 50 years and is now working with his son and grandchildren to continue this legacy.  The dragon, as a symbol for good luck and protection, becomes the centre piece for the festivities, with the locals dancing the mythical and revered creature around the village for hours whilst playing music and letting off fireworks.  Watch the series of films on loewe.com  #LOEWE #LunarNewYear  庚子新春,LOEWE罗意威用心传承,走访浙江、云南与山东三个中国传统工艺世家,继续以影像书写,用亲情承袭艺术,属于春节与“家”的动人故事。  在浙江金华浦江县,每逢过年,从全国各地返乡的年轻人,会从家中搬出一条板凳,与全村人组成一条板凳龙——以板凳连为一体的手工龙灯,由众人扛起,浑然游动,蔚为壮观。  魏永来是浦江本地人,从事板凳龙制作已逾五十载。他的龙灯以绸缎,丝绢为材料。每条板凳龙都是一个艺术综合体,集书法、绘画、剪纸、刻花与竹编扎制工艺为一体,融舞蹈与杂技为一炉。魏永来的儿子魏星园也在帮助父亲的过程中,将技艺承袭,二人合力,打造出一条条承载着归乡光亮的长龙。」1月24日 2時51分 - loewe

Loeweのインスタグラム(loewe) - 1月24日 02時51分

To celebrate Lunar New Year, we have returned to China to meet the families that are keeping time-honoured traditions and handcraft skills alive.

We travelled to Pujiang, a county of the Zhejiang province, to meet the craftsman Wei Yonglai, who has been building bench dragons for his village for over 50 years and is now working with his son and grandchildren to continue this legacy.

The dragon, as a symbol for good luck and protection, becomes the centre piece for the festivities, with the locals dancing the mythical and revered creature around the village for hours whilst playing music and letting off fireworks.

Watch the series of films on loewe.com

#LOEWE #LunarNewYear





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