ハリー・ウィンストンのインスタグラム(harrywinston) - 1月6日 21時16分

@ジェニファー・ロペス, nominee for best actress in a supporting role in any motion picture, steals the spotlight in more than 145 carats of phenomenal #HarryWinston Colombian emeralds and #diamonds on the #GoldenGlobes red carpet. She is joined by @アレックス・ロドリゲス dressed in #HarryWinston’s Zalium and #Diamond shirt studs and cufflinks. #JewelerToTheStars #HighJewelry .
Colombian Emerald and Diamond Necklace
Colombian Emerald and Diamond Earrings
Vintage 1959 Diamond Bracelet
Central Park Diamond and Emerald Ring
Zalium and Diamond Shirt Studs
Zalium and Diamond Cufflinks


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Angelina Boykoのインスタグラム
Angelina Boykoさんがフォロー
