田代有三さんのインスタグラム写真 - (田代有三Instagram)「明けましておめでとうございます。 昨年は引退した初年度、現役最後に所属していたウロンゴンウルブスのトップのコーチとして活動していました。プレーヤーとして2年、そしてコーチとして1年間、本当にたくさんの方々に支えて頂き、ウロンゴンでの生活を楽しむ事が出来ました。ありがとうございました。 昨年末、新たなチャレンジの為にシドニーに引っ越す事になりコーチ業も辞める事となりました。  オーストラリアに住みオーストラリアが更に大好きになりました。この素晴らしいオーストラリアの文化を日本に広めたい、そして日本の素晴らしい文化をオーストラリアに広めるような役割を果たしていきたい!そう強く感じています。 これからは、ここオーストラリアにて日豪を繋ぐ様々な事に携わって行きたいと考えております。サッカーはもちろん、オーストラリアでのビジネス展開を考えている方、また英語留学をしたい方々など、オーストラリアに興味を持たれている方がいらっしゃりましたら是非直接DMをお送りください。  皆さまにとって実り多き1年となりますように。よいお年を!  田代有三  Happy new year to everyone supported last year.  2019 was first year after my retirement.  I was coaching my previous team, Wollongong Wolves. I used to play for 2 years and coached for a year.  I really appreciate all your kindnesses. Especially, Tory, Chris, Susan, Jacob, Luke and players.  Thanks to you all.  I’ve enjoyed in Wollongong life.  However actually I’ve moved to Sydney end of the last year to make my dream come true. Therefore I’m afraid to say that I won’t be coaching Wollongong Wolves this year.  I have come to like wonderful Australian culture by living here more and more. I’d like to spread  Australian culture around the world as well as Japanese one. I believe that’s my role.  I definitely love to work in a job related to soccer but also I want to be a bridge between the two countries.  Please send me DM if you are interested in Australia to study, work, play sports, start your business and so on.  Needless to say, I’m willing to support you.  Wishing all the best for you in 2020  Thanks  Yuzo」1月3日 19時23分 - yuzo.tashiro

田代有三のインスタグラム(yuzo.tashiro) - 1月3日 19時23分





Happy new year to everyone supported last year.

2019 was first year after my retirement.
I was coaching my previous team, Wollongong Wolves.
I used to play for 2 years and coached for a year.

I really appreciate all your kindnesses.
Especially, Tory, Chris, Susan, Jacob, Luke and players.
Thanks to you all.
I’ve enjoyed in Wollongong life.

However actually I’ve moved to Sydney end of the last year to make my dream come true.
Therefore I’m afraid to say that I won’t be coaching Wollongong Wolves this year.

I have come to like wonderful Australian culture by living here more and more.
I’d like to spread Australian culture around the world as well as Japanese one.
I believe that’s my role.

I definitely love to work in a job related to soccer but also I want to be a bridge between the two countries.

Please send me DM if you are interested in Australia to study, work, play sports, start your business and so on.
Needless to say, I’m willing to support you.

Wishing all the best for you in 2020




>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



