中野義仁さんのインスタグラム写真 - (中野義仁Instagram)「無事に退院致しました。 多くの皆様にご迷惑をお掛けし ました事、此処に改めて衷心よりお詫び申し上げる次第です。合掌。 ‼️‼️English is bellow ‼️‼️🙇‍♂️🙏 Dear everyone,  First of all, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience and make an announcement.  I would like to give a notice of discharge of myself and that y sudden illness caused a great deal of inconvenience to everyone. I apologize deeply and deeply to you guys.  The name of the disease was "Fibromyalgia", except for the right leg, where my body did not move due to joint pain throughout my body.  This test of hardship was not a waste of time, and new ideas for the next tiger wolf exhibition and work came to my mind. For the full year, I will work hard to rehabilitate myself and keep my physical condition in order to restart again next year.  In consideration of advice from multiple third parties and my physical strength, from May next year ** Basically, we will make a major change to the reservation method. The details will be explained again next time.  Thank you very much for all your guys support from my heart and i deeply apologize for the inconvenience to everyone that may cause trouble.  horiyoshi 3  各位御一同様  先ずは御一言お詫びとご報告をさせていただきます。  退院致しましたお知らせと並びに 突然の羅病を致しまして皆様に対して多大なるご迷惑をお掛け致しました。 深く深くお詫び申し上げる次第です。  病名は"筋繊維痛症"と云うもので、右脚以外は全身の関節痛で身体が動かなく、此れも人生修行と受け止めました。  この試練も決して無駄では無く次回の虎狼展と仕事に対する新アイデアが頭の中に湧出して参りました。 今年一杯は無理にもリハビリに励み体調を万全にし来年から再出発致します。  複数の第三者によるアドバイス及び私の体力をも考慮した結果、来年5月から **予約方法などを従来とは基本的に大きく変更させていただきます。 詳細については次回改めてご説明させていただく次第です。  合掌。  略意乍ら愚拙なる私の心中お察し下されば衷心より御礼申し上げる次第です。  2019.12. 22.  記 参代目彫よし 敬白」12月22日 11時32分 - horiyoshi_3

中野義仁のインスタグラム(horiyoshi_3) - 12月22日 11時32分

‼️‼️English is bellow ‼️‼️🙇‍♂️🙏 Dear everyone,
First of all, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience and make an announcement.
I would like to give a notice of discharge of myself and that y sudden illness caused a great deal of inconvenience to everyone.
I apologize deeply and deeply to you guys.
The name of the disease was "Fibromyalgia", except for the right leg, where my body did not move due to joint pain throughout my body.
This test of hardship was not a waste of time, and new ideas for the next tiger wolf exhibition and work came to my mind.
For the full year, I will work hard to rehabilitate myself and keep my physical condition in order to restart again next year.
In consideration of advice from multiple third parties and my physical strength, from May next year
** Basically, we will make a major change to the reservation method.
The details will be explained again next time.
Thank you very much for all your guys support from my heart and i deeply apologize for the inconvenience to everyone that may cause trouble.

horiyoshi 3








2019.12. 22. 記
参代目彫よし 敬白


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




