クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 12月22日 08時49分

Last year today, on the winter solstice, I woke up at 3 am and rode my bike 213 miles through Big Sur & climbed 14k feet just for a training ride. This year I woke up at 9am, went to breakfast with my family and then played with my kids at the park & hung with alpacas. Different year, different priorities and different goals. I’m only sharing this because I think it’s important to realize that year to year, month to month our priorities and goals change and I think it is super healthy to allow yourself to not have such a tunnel vision when it comes to what defines us. One year I was maxing out who I was as an athlete & seeming personal growth. Another year I’m pushing myself to be there more for my family & support my wife in her goals. Both are important but obviously it takes a lot of “me time” to pursue our goals and if there is anything I’ve learned about being a father/ partner it’s that it is always about give and take.
. 📷 @snackfarmer


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