HYPEBEASTのインスタグラム(hypebeast) - 12月19日 01時35分

We partnered with @SamsungMobileUSA and Borre Akkersdijk of @byborre’s to share his mission - focused on the dynamic between fashion and the impact that the textile industry has on a global scale. Working with the newly released Galaxy Fold has allowed him to focus on the present while creating a better future, “This is such an exciting time because there’s so much happening in the world. And it’s a bit crazy to see how the big vision with Byborre and the label by itself are coming together.”


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




ASOS Studioのインスタグラム
ASOS Studioさんがフォロー
