ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月12日 01時01分

Photo by @gabrielegalimbertiphoto | Niko, 5, Homer, Alaska. Take a moment and think back to your childhood, the era in your life when the only thing you knew about a bill was that it was a bird’s equivalent of lips, and your day job was to construct fantastical worlds with your favorite toys. In my Toy Stories series, I explore the connection between children and their toys, getting an insight into their tiny worlds and taking you on a trip down memory lane. Toy Stories is the result of a 30-month trip, in which I visited more than 50 countries and took photographs of children and their favorite toys. I would often take part in a child’s games prior to arranging the toys for the photograph. Despite some differences, I found more similarities among children living worlds apart. Even in different countries, toys had the same function, such as protecting them from dangers and things they feared in the night. Toys haven’t changed all that much since I was a kid. I’d often find the kind of toys I used to have. It was nice to go back to my childhood somehow. | Follow me @gabrielegalimbertiphoto for more photos and stories #toys #play #kids #child #children


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