タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 12月6日 07時37分

Been a month since the best birthday/ gathering of real family and friends have ever been thrown!!!!!! Michelle aka @lemiga my wife met you via @iamaventergray and @realjohngray I’ve been thinking about you and posting about you non-stop cause you just blew my mind..... Your designs, your efforts and more importantly your patience is and easy impeccable!!! My wife’s birthday was so mind blowing come Dec 30th I’m going to do a SOLO dinner with just me and Sam.... Have 1 cupcake with one candle.... Eat some salmon and mashed potatoes and likely a steak..... And go to sleep!!!!! #GrownManSimpleSeason happy birthday again my angel.... I love you and we love you with our whole hearts...... Follow and let Michelle aka @lemiga organize your next wedding, birthday party or branding launch of any type and watch her BLOW YOUR MIND!!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




