ティファニー・アルボードのインスタグラム(tiffanyalvord) - 12月3日 09時30分

💕 It’s okay to feel the world! 🌎 -
I used to feel like I always had to “have it all together” but now, I’ve gotten good at letting myself feel sad if I’m sad, or happy when I’m happy.. but not forcing or NEEDing to always be “on”. It’s okay to not be okay and it’s okay to feel (all of the feelings 😂). I like to sit & explore what I’m feeling and why. ❤️ #QOTD - what are you feeling today? -
🌟 I’m feeling content, I feel thankful cause I’m spending time with family & relaxing for a little. But I also feel a mixture of perplexed & confused as I think about life & the insanity of what it is a lot recently 😂🤷‍♀️
// p.s. vlogmas day 1 is up on my second channel // link on my story 😘


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