ロバート・グリフィン3世のインスタグラム(rgiii) - 11月29日 03時17分

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! If you take the time to read this post, I encourage you to tell your loved ones you are thankful for them every chance you get! God has blessed us all with amazing people in our lives. Without him and them we wouldn’t be where we are today. In my case, God blessed me with everything and topped it off with love. Her name is @gretegiii and she is a Goddess that hails from Särevere, Estonia. We found each other as soulmates and fixed each other up by pouring love into the cracks in our souls. I know, it sounds corny. It’s sounds cliche. But fortunately for us, it is real. She has forever changed my life. She helped take a broken man and put him back together through the simplest yet most dynamic thing life has to offer. Love. She is the best person I know and has helped me become a better man, husband, father, son, brother, friend, teammate and leader. I see so much of her love in how she helps raise all three of our kids and so much of her love in how joyful our kids are. @gretegiii is my soulmate. The love of my life. My Queen I am so thankful to for you. Always remember, through a crowd my eyes will always find you Baby, Ma Armastan Sind vaga @gretegiii
I pray you all find the love and happiness you are looking for and show thanks to those you have while on your journey to it #HappyThanksGiving #Love #Happiness #Estonia #Queen #Thankful #blessedlife #KnowYourWhy


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