キャサリン・ハイグルのインスタグラム(katherineheigl) - 11月24日 14時35分

Today my girl turned eleven. ELEVEN! How in the world did that happen?! How did she go from a chubby, delicious baby nestled in my arms to a gangly, beautiful young lady getting her ears pierced for the first time?! This girl of mine is extraordinary. I know you’re thinking “of course you’d say that you’re her mother” and yes. Of course I would say that I am her mother. But she is. Extraordinary. The day the adoption agency called @joshbkelley and me to tell us about the baby girl waiting in Korea to come home to us my life was forever blessedly changed. It was if the angels divine decided it was time to give me a gift I could never truly be worthy of but would always be blessed by. It was Grace. My Naleigh Moon. Grace. She is my gift from the heavens. I will forever live each day thanking those heavens for her. There’s this light in her. It’s overflowing. It seeps in to and radically changes all those she turns those beautiful brown eyes upon. It’s inexplicable. It’s magical. She is my light. It is this gorgeous girl, born in Seoul Korea, fostered for the first nine months of her life by a loving family in Seoul, born of a young woman who could not raise her but could give her the gift of life, who could give the gift of this child’s life to josh and me, it is this girl that made me a mother. It is this girl that gave my life purpose and meaning. It is this remarkable child that taught me the meaning of Grace. The truth of blessed. The depths of gratitude. It’s a lot to put on one adorable amazing eleven year old. But what makes my Naleigh extra extraordinary? She can take it. Run with it. Shine bright because of it. Change the world with it. Happy birthday Naleigh Moon. I will forever and ever champion the light in you! My love is endless! Mommy ❤️❤️❤️


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