タイラー・シールズのインスタグラム(thetylershields) - 11月21日 06時52分

Instagram has changed the face of photography, it has created a place where creation is devalued while content is rewarded. Content is the enemy of art, it’s easy to follow the constant easy to find comfort in the mediocre. For anyone who is reading this that may not post the photo you love out of fear of likes please post it please share it, do not let numbers that don’t mean anything stop you! This was shot on film and drum scanned if you swipe right you can see the real film border not one added on an app. This is not an attack on the apps not an attack on Instagram I love Instagram I love being able to connect to so many people this is an attack on you the person sitting there over thinking what to post out of fear! Please comment below if you have not posted something because you didn’t think it would do well.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



