チャーリー・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(charlyjordan) - 10月17日 01時58分

Girls on Insta alway be hittin the squat rack but we’re gonna mix it up. All my strength has always been in my legs and glutes so starting to try and work on balancing out my upper body 🙌🏼 love @ALO Yoga for bringing all these beautiful women together to push ourselves. Like I said moving to LA isn’t always the easiest thing, especially since a lot of the people that live here travel all the time (including myself). But regardless every single one of these women is working their asses off out here, and has always been so sweet and welcoming. I’m happy to know that there are communities building each other up ✌🏼


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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