デブラ・メッシングのインスタグラム(therealdebramessing) - 9月23日 07時12分

This is HUGE. Bigger than anything we’ve seen before. A White House whistleblower came forward and submitted a report that was deemed URGENT. The law says the whistleblower’s report MUST be turned over to Congress within 7 days. The person responsible has been told by Trump NOT to follow the law and give this URGENT report to Congress. This is about NATIONAL SECURITY. Whistleblowers are RARE. That tells you how dangerous the behavior is that the whistleblower witnessed. We know that it is about phone calls made by Trump to the head of the Ukraine. Congress voted to give millions of dollars to Ukraine to defend themselves from the Russia. Trump held onto that money. Did not, in fact, give the defense money (tax payers’ money) to Ukraine. He called the Head of Ukraine 8 times trying to convince him to investigate work Joe Biden’s son did with Ukraine, and to falsely assert that something criminal was done. Trump then offered another $250 Miillion dollars to Ukraine’s Defense, however the Head of Ukraine has stated there is No Evidence that Joe Biden’s son did anything wrong. Trump was trying to BRIBE a foreign government—with tax payers money— to help his re-election efforts. Holding up Congress sanctioned Aid is a national security threat. Promising more money, not approved by Congress, is a CRIME. A SERIOUS CRIME. Trump used his private lawyer, Giuliani, NOT the White House lawyers, to broker this “deal.” Meanwhile, the White House is defying the constitution and refusing to hand over the whistleblower’s report.
A whistleblower is a HERO. A Patriot. Someone who has information that there is a clear and present threat against America’s interests, and despite personal danger, and professional destruction, they come forward anyway, a make a report. Trump won’t let Congress see the report. This is the proverbial “straw.” Go to Impeachmentinquiry.org, type in your zip code, it will tell you if your Reps support Impeachment. If they don’t, it will connect you to your Reps and you can tell them how you feel. This is how government works. They work for the people. Let them hear your voices. It’s important.

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