ナスチャのインスタグラム(kiker_chan) - 9月14日 18時55分

as much as i go to some new countries I explore more and more coffee places as i can, and here is funny story, how i met one of the roasters at Tokyo Coffee Festival last October and today had a chamce to visit their location at @simplekaffa - I remember this amazing taste of their beans and I had bring them back to Moscow, but lost the name of it, and today I realized i was staying and wait for 40 minutes to get in their place, even I remember they’re from Taiwan. Well-balanced espresso set and my favorite washed Ethiopia were really good, next time i’ll come back for v60 on Geisha 🌱 and 2nd guys for today @vwibychadwang ♥️ with amazing espresso set too! Actually so confused that Taipei is so nice for good specialty coffee and milk here is same good as in Europe coffeeplaces, so I highly recommend to visit Taipei for coffee tourism too ☕️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




