トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 9月2日 21時30分

When you hear about “airstrikes” and “firefights”, when you see the terms “siege” and “battle” I want you to remember that the real-world cost of those terms is indescribable pain visited on innocent families. Remember that those terms mean that a child’s life has been interrupted and re-routed. Remember that those are words to you but they are a brutal, horrifying reality to the most vulnerable.

But also remember this; love is unconquerable. The human spirit can endure. A better future only requires a helping hand. Together we can change their story. The light of compassion must lead the way.

Please give what you can at INARA.org.

#refugees #childreninneed #syria #lebanon #children #charity #love #compassion #syriawar #childrenscharity #civilwar #syrianrefugees #help #helpingothers


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