ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 9月2日 19時49分

A lot of my clients talk to me about how hard it is to find time to workout when life gets busy. But there are LOTS of exercises you can do even when you're short on time. For a quick CORE workout that you can squeeze in anytime, anywhere try these four exercises! ⁣

Ensure you engage your deep abdominal muscles by drawing your belly button in towards your spine and do a slow, controlled exhale while performing each exercise. ⁣

✅Incline Plank - 30 seconds⁣
✅Four-Point Arm & Leg Extension - 20 reps⁣
✅Heel Taps - 30 reps⁣
✅Alternating Straight-Leg Raise - 30 reps ⁣

For more quick workouts like this, head to the link in my bio to try my #bbg program in the @sweat app.⁣⁣


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