キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月1日 02時47分

What a spectacular blessing to be up close and personal with these amazing creatures 🦒 The giraffes of Kenya are magical beings, and, in fact there are many subspecies of giraffes. This beautiful girl that we are feeding here is an endangered Rothschild giraffe. There are less than 2,000 of her species left on Earth. The distinguishing feature of Rothschild giraffe is their white lower legs, which are often described as appearing like stockings.
Since the 1930s #giraffemanor from @thesafaricollection has worked to preserve the Rothschild giraffe. Situated next to a 140 acre nature preserve, Giraffe Manor is a rescue and sanctuary space. The giraffes are free to come and go. They show up at breakfast and at tea. There is a nursery to protect the newborns and young giraffes from predators like the big cats. And of course lots of food from friends and visitors to keep them healthy.
I remember the first time I saw pictures from Giraffe Manor. I couldn’t believe it was real. All I knew was that I wanted to go, and here I am. Now that I’ve been I can say that it’s definitely for real, even better than you could imagine. Such a dream come true. And what a perfect end to our time in Kenya. Giraffe kiss and more in stories 💗
#kenya #thesafaricollection 🙏


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