ティファニー・アルボードのインスタグラム(tiffanyalvord) - 8月27日 08時22分

Believe you can and you’re half way there.. or as I like to say —> drive until you arrive 🤷‍♀️ lol - also I’ve never said that but I just said it so I guess it’s true 😅
I can confirm that the view at the Grand Canyon is indeed GRAND! 😱 The world felt so big and all my problems felt so small. I wanna travel more cause I feel so free and I’m the moment when I do. ☺️
#QOTD - what’s one last thing you wanna do before summer ends or did you do all the things you hoped for!? ☺️ sending love to you on this beautiful Monday!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



