クリスティン・ベルのインスタグラム(kristenanniebell) - 8月24日 08時53分

Another week, another #FeaturedTeacherFriday! 📚❤️🧠 I got an email from Krystal Meza who teaches at Migrant Preschool in a small town called Hollister, CA. Krystal’s students have a unique set of needs and she has no budget to work with! Here’s her story… “Hi! My name is Krystal Meza and I am a preschool teacher! I've been a preschool teacher for the last 10 years and can honestly say I Love My Job! I teach migrant students from low-income families. What does that entail? These children, with their families, are moving year round following the crops. Their lives are constantly changing with different schools, friends, homes, etc. In order for them to feel welcome and WANT to come to school, a welcoming environment has to be made for them. As a teacher I have to have the training and supplies to not only teach them in the classroom but at home as well. I get the privilege of helping them get ready for Kindergarten. My goal is for them to enter with confidence, with more than just a basic knowledge of English, and their academic skills.
I start next week teaching in Sunnyslope Room 1 and am trying to get everything ready for these little ones. Unfortunately I am not going to receive a budget to buy supplies that I really need. Any help is greatly needed and appreciated!  Thank you so much for your generosity in featuring a teacher! I know that all teachers greatly appreciate it!” Her Amazon wishlist will be in my bio for a few days. Being able to help and feature amazing teachers makes me SO happy. Love to all of you who read and help. We’re all in this together! 💪🏻💗📚💥


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