Stephanie Sterjovskiのインスタグラム(stephsjolly) - 8月21日 01時53分

This summer we’ve been working on ourselves ✨
Working on projects quietly ✨
Working on our relationship ✨
Working on those dreams God placed on our hearts ✨
Working on our joint podcast @jollyeverafterpodcast
Working on forgiveness & grace for others ✨
Working on becoming the people He created us to be ✨
Things that are worth it take work: your career, your relationships and your dreams. We don’t just wake up one day and have them (or the way we’d like), it takes time, mistakes, Grace and showing up everyday. It’s a choice. What are you choosing right now? I’m choosing to give myself the time and space to work through and on projects and lessons I have to learn while giving myself grace. I choose my husband everyday @nealjolly and I choose joy as my metric for success ✨ #ichoosejoy #midweekmotivation #forsuchatimeasthis #beautyfromashes


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