ニック・ナイトのインスタグラム(nick_knight) - 8月20日 08時25分

The conclusion from the select committee that looked into Cambridge Analytica and it’s interference with the EU referendum stated “ British Electoral laws are not fit for purpose. “ We literally cannot have a free and fair election in this country ! Brexit was not democracy it was digital manipulation and propaganda. The British people have been conned and cheated and lied to .
It makes me so heartbrokenly sad and furious at the same time to see what had happening to the brilliant institution of the British parliament under this awful government .
I want to scream “ stop! can’t you see you are being lied to ! ! ! ? “
In three years every promise those idiots Johnson, Farage , Rees Mogg , Gove et al made has been disproved
but they still persist driving us over this abyss ..... and to what gain ?? There is nothing to gain from leaving the EU and EVERYTHING to lose !
Stop Brexit now for all our sakes !
P.s.and for the few out there who still don’t see this , please just sit and watch the film The Great Hack and then see how you feel . Thank you .


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