M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kongのインスタグラム(maccosmeticshk) - 8月19日 20時19分

TRY SOMETHING NEW✨聽日化妝嘅時候就試下M·A·C Artists 呢個一物二用嘅新方法啦!
想將唇膏同胭脂同色並用,知性玫瑰色嘅唇膏係最易上手嘅Item!點上面輕輕推開,變成襯色嘅氣質妝容! #愛你唇膏 可以打造又貼又顯色嘅唇妝同胭脂,聽日化妝嘅時候記得用呢個方法啦!
Product mentioned:
#愛你唇膏 #LoveMeLipstick in #426 #HeyFrenchie 梅子豆沙色 - HK$160
#MAC129S #PowderBlushBrush - HK$340
即刻follow @M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong ,追看#愛你唇膏 嘅彩妝分享!
#愛你唇膏 #酷愛自己 #MACLOVEME #MACHongKong #MAC妝FUN享
Created by: @ianlamlam @yanicew @chamvicky
LIPS AND CHEEKS WERE NEVER MORE IN SYNC ✨✨ Get the rosy glow on your lips AND cheeks!!! While giving your lips a healthy and vibrant look, #HeyFrenchie also gives your cheeks a STUNNING rosy glow 🌹✨ Love Me Lipstick’s incredible formula makes it SUPER easy to apply it on your cheeks too! Now you know how to use your lipstick on your makeup routine tomorrow 😉
Follow @M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong NOW for more exciting news of Love Me Lipstick!


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