NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 8月18日 22時10分

This imagery is from the Swedish 1-meter Solar Telescope (SST) at La Palma, Spain. The goal of the observations was to better understand the methods by which non-thermal energy is injected into the solar chromosphere by mechanisms such as emerging magnetic fields in sunspots.

In this close-up of the solar photosphere, we see the dark regions of sunspots, and solar granules changing with time. These granules are the tops of convection cells where hot gas rises from the interior to cool and then descend back down. The SST achieves its high resolution using an adaptive optics system to reduce the effects of atmospheric turbulence. Some frames of the movie exhibit blurring as the turbulence became too high to completely cancel out.

To get a sense of scale of the closeup, the image covers a region 46,900 x 33,500 km. Since the diameter of Earth is about 12,700 km, it could fit four Earths in the horizontal dimension and three Earths in the vertical dimension. More:


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