JEN ATKINのインスタグラム(jenatkinhair) - 8月7日 06時17分

RP @theouai
“In light of the recent mass shootings in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton, we simply couldn’t go on with business as usual without stopping for a moment of remembrance and reflection. It feels impossible to come to terms with the senseless gun violence that has become commonplace in our country. To all those who lost their lives, were injured or impacted by the shootings, our hearts are with you.

Beyond expressions of condolences, we’ve wrestled with how, as a brand, we come together to discuss issues that command our voice, when silence is often the easier route. At the end of the day, we are more than a brand. Together, we’re a diverse community of almost 1 million people. If we each spend 5 minutes asking our government to prioritize the conversations on gun control, we can make a big impact.

For OUAIs to get involved:
1. Donate. Organizations like @everytown and @momsdemand work to improve gun safety in America and eradicate gun violence. For convenience, we’ve linked both organizations in our bio.
2. Call or write your senator. Text CHECKS to 644-33 or click the link in our bio to be connected to your senators’ district offices and tell them to act now on common-sense gun safety legislation.
3. Register to vote. Hold elected leaders accountable by making sure your voter registration is up to date.
4. Attend an event or join a student group. @studentsdemand meet across schools and community centers to call on congress for smarter gun laws.
5. Use your platform. Follow along on our Stories and join us in completing Acts of Kindness to honor the victims of the recent shootings, as originated by the #ElPasoChallenge.”


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