Weronika Bielikのインスタグラム(veronicabielik) - 8月1日 01時34分

A lot of people may be under the impression that it’s not okay to have a bad day. We live in this world where the idea of a bad day is uncomfortable, it’s usually our automatic reaction to try to change negative circumstances. If we have a bad day we have to work against it in every possible way to change the day. But the truth is, one of the best ways to handle a bad day is to accept it and not try to change it. It’s okay to have a bad day. It’s okay to have 2 bad days in a row.
I recently went through 3 months of having only good days. It was incredible but as my good day streak continued I got progressively nervous. There must be a bad day coming. My good day streak suddenly ended and I had a bad day. I was late, tired, stressed, overworked, not feeling positive. And I spent the entire morning stressing about this bad day. I decided in the afternoon to just accept my day for what it was, to acknowledge yes it was bad but not focus so much energy on changing it. Immediately a lot of my stress melted away and the day became easier. I realized the best way to handle a bad day is to just accept the circumstances. I repeat to myself “this is how I’m feeling and that’s okay”. That’s it.


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