メロディー・モリタのインスタグラム(melodeemorita) - 7月20日 11時56分

7月23日 よる7時放送の「火曜サプライズ!」2時間スペシャルに出演させて頂きます‼️😄📺🇯🇵💛 「ニューヨークぶらり旅」にMCのヒロミさん、藤森慎吾さん、ゲストのDA PUMP ISSAさんと共に、私はニューヨークのガイド役としてNYCを満喫するためのツアー・ベストスポットを巡ります!🗽 タイムズスクエア、自由の女神像、セントラルパーク、ブロードウェイのショーなどなど✨
今回番組に出演するきっかけは... 実はディレクターが私のLAでの幼馴染(写真一番左)だったんです!😆 スワイプした3枚目の写真は、当時通っていたLAの小学校(2年生)でのダンス発表会の時のものです。
幼い頃に家も近く一緒に遊んでいた友達と、こんな形で同じ現場で一緒に仕事ができるとは...もちろん当時は想像もできませんでした。人生って時々ビックリすることが起こりますよね😳 LAの友達にも、早くこの奇跡を知らせたいです🎀
I'll be appearing in Japan's popular TV show, "Kayou Surprise!" airing on 7/23 at 7PM (JST) which will be a special 2-hour episode!😊🙌 It's going to be a fun-filled and packed episode where I will be guiding Mr. Hiromi, Shingo Fujimori, and DA PUMP's ISSA all around NYC's must-visit spots.🍎🔍
The interesting story behind this appearance is that the director of this show is actually my childhood friend from LA! The third pic is us at our elementary school's dance assembly. We lived really close by growing up and I would've never thought I'd have the opportunity to work with her like this many years later! Life is full of unexpected surprises.🎀
Mr. Hiromi has been in the Japanese entertainment industry for an extremely long time but he was so kind even when the cameras weren't rolling, and I learned a lot from listening to his stories.
@藤森慎吾 was just as friendly and hilarious as I imagined and fit right into NY even though he mentioned it was his first time in the Big Apple.
@ISSA and I had a good chat about our different dance genres! He's incredibly polite and I look up to how precise he was with his works.
Thank you to everyone I got to work with through this awesome filming! If you live in Japan, please check out "Kayou Surprise!" next Tuesday🙈💖
#JapaneseTV #火曜サプライズ


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