ノーブル・イグウェのインスタグラム(noble_igwe) - 7月10日 03時31分

The room was the first place it happened, I didn’t know it was a thing to replace someone on the bed if they wake up to go use the restroom.
The bed couldn’t fit the four of us but Oga Uche was always gracious to sleep on the floor and let us, the younger ones sleep on the bed.

The room had a window overlooking the streets and that was our only source of natural air.
We didn’t cook that much as there was a restaurant on the ground floor and Chidi could only cook during the weekend.
It may not seem like a big deal but it was for us, Oga Uche grew up in Umuomaku, served his master in Lagos and that was his first accommodation as an Igbo boy hustling in Lagos.

I took a bus, stopped at Cele bus stop, crossed to the other side of the express and took a bike to the house .
Oga Uche : The Noble man.
Nobs : Oga Uche . Good Evening. How was Business ?
Oga Uche : It was okay. You said you have a test with an airline ?
Nobs : Yes,Virgin Nigeria.
Oga Uche : Are they not the ones that are being fought by Nigerian Airways staff ?
Nobs : I don’t know much about them other than the fact that they are owned by Virgin Atlantic and some private investors.
Oga Uche : When is the test ?
Nobs : Tomorrow at Philip Consulting in Marina.
Oga Uche : That’s great. You’ll get the job.
Nobs : I pray because I really plan to move to Lagos after Youth Service and Danda wouldn’t allow me if I don’t have a job.
Oga Uche : You’d Get the job.
Nobs : Amen
Oga Uche : You don chop ? Make me go down.
* In Igbo land, we say “ Nwanne di n’mba” because an Igbo person who may not necessarily look in your direction in your village will take proper care of you in the city.

Oga Uche was my cousin’s cousin and it didn’t matter that staying in his own room apartment was inconveniencing for him, he still took all the three of us under his wing*
The following day, Oga Uche gave me money for cab and I took one to Marina.

On getting to the venue, most people knew themselves because some of them came from different travel Agencies.

We were put into a room and to eliminate people the first person was asked:

Interviewer: Why are you here ?

She was about to answer when her button gave way.

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