ジェナ・マローンのインスタグラム(jenamalone) - 6月21日 13時18分

The art of surrender or rather the gift of mediation.
If you would like to hear me ramble in a spoken word kind of way about this wild world of parenting and how a single mother prepares for that old art of medation , there’s a link in my bio. Freestyle is a wild thing to engage in when trying to understand truly your present moment. I can’t help but want to encourage all those carrying hearts and tongues to push into a soft practice of spoken word riffing to help in understanding your own divine mechanism of thought and feeling. It helps, I think , to process your experiences in a free and holy way , open channeling and allowing whatever comes to come. I’ve learned a lot about a great many things using this practice. Just a soft recommendation on this chilly Thursday evening. Lots of love to the parents out there in court battles , oh lovelies , I see you and feel you. Not enough is spoken about these turns we must take as parents struggling to come to whole understandings despite actually standing on broken ground. All I know is things always change , and somehow for better or worst , we actually are learning such wild abilities of strength and grace. That truly every step is worth it.


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