Tim Lamanのインスタグラム(timlaman) - 6月18日 06時49分

Photos by @Tim Laman. Lions vs. Buffalo - Part 1 – Advantage Lions. In one incredible day on safari in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, we witnessed several hunts and attempted hunts between lions and buffalo. This attack began with two lionesses. The first grabbed the buffalo by the neck while the second tried to attack from behind. It seemed to be a stalemate for six minutes. Then reinforcements showed up in the form of the two males and other females from the pride. I captured the second image when the first male to arrive leapt onto the buffalo’s back. It didn’t take long after that for the buffalo to fall. Lions have to eat….. In my next post, you will see Lions vs. Buffalo – Part II – Advantage Buffalo.
At times these scenes were not pleasant to watch, I will admit. Nature can be harsh. But it was real, and it was amazing to witness the cycle of life in a place that is still wild. We need places like that on earth, and it is good for us to visit them. As Tennyson wrote, on this day, we truly witnessed “Nature red in tooth and claw”. #lions #buffalo #Tanzania #Ngorongoro #CampaignforNature #natureredintoothandclaw


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