CNNのインスタグラム(cnn) - 6月17日 21時41分

A man offered “Dad Hugs” at the Pittsburgh Pride parade and he impacted a lot more people than he expected to. Wearing a shirt with "Free Dad Hugs" in large print, Scott Dittman says he gave out hundreds of hugs, some of them "super happy" and others less so. One man who saw Dittman embraced him and sobbed into his arms, Dittman said. The man had been kicked out at age 19 and hadn't spoken to his parents since. In a Facebook post after the parade, Dittman encouraged parents to love and accept their children. "Imagine that your child feels SO LOST FROM YOU that they sink into the arms of a complete stranger and sob endlessly just because that stranger is wearing a shirt offering hugs from a dad. Think of the depths of their pain. Try to imagine how deep those cuts must be," he wrote. "Please don't be the parent of a child that has to shoulder that burden. I met WAY too many of them, of all ages, today."


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