マヌー・ベネットのインスタグラム(manubennett) - 6月9日 16時02分

I am proud of my culture so I cannot hide that I am disappointed by media inaccuracies, scepticism & sensationalism that now surround my recent haka. As an actor attending many conventions around the world, I have enjoyed sharing the haka & Maori custom. However what has not been mentioned in the news is WHY I was at this monument on a remote mountain in Romania. As for the manner of this particular haka, cultural understanding of noa & tapu is necessary before passing judgement. I wish I knew Romanian language & interpreted the one restriction sign at the monument but this amazing location, high in the mountains, seemed void, if only spiritually, of restrictions. (I advise a visit) The current media portrayal completely missed cultural empathy & has created a slur, not only over my actions & the honorable Maori custom of haka but also the intended meaning of recognition for the indigenous Dacian people, whose society, culture & religion were erased from this planet during the Roman expansion circa 100AD. It was at Sarmizegetusa that Decebalus & the Dacian people suffered the indignity of massacres & being conquered. Maori understand this indignity as sadly do other indigenous peoples. We ALL share the shame. In this haka I acted alone, my haka was solitary, but I carried the wairua of my people, celebrating & mourning alike, the Dacian people. The only three tourists, who I passed as they were leaving the site, stopped & took a video. I had no intention to be observed let alone filmed. Perhaps its a catalyst for cultural understanding & debate. I sincerely take full responsibility for my actions & apologise to Romanian authorities for any offensiveness, mistakes & misinterpretations. Finally I'd like to share two Maori proverbs. "Aroha atu, aroha mai. Tatou i a tatou katoa. Hui e! Ta iki e!" Let us respect one another. Let us bind together. "Hurihia te aroaro ki te ra tukuna to atarangi kia taka ki muri i a koe!" Turn your face to the sun & the shadows will fall behind you.

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