ハル・ベリーのインスタグラム(halleberry) - 6月3日 01時51分

It’s #SelfCareSunday! I find one of the best ways to love on myself is to relax in the bath with a great book, and The Line Becomes A River is hands down one of my favorites. #FranciscoCantu’s debut for me is both emotional and provocative. It’s a fascinating look at the US border patrol, where Cantu had served for several years. In light of the current border control debate, it’s a timely and worthwhile read that I just couldn’t put down. While it offers no solution to our current situation, it highlights what is broken within our current immigration laws and the heart breaking damage it can do to families. Though I enjoyed this book, I did cry my way through it. I must warn you it’s a tough read, and if you’re like me, you may need a bubble bath and a glass of wine in order to take it all in....but it was well worth it.


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