鎌田大祐(かまだだいすけ)さんのインスタグラム写真 - (鎌田大祐(かまだだいすけ)Instagram)「47都道府県の福岡県男子(という年齢でもないけど……笑)を代表して、アサヒビールさんの「ドライザクール」の試飲にお呼ばれ!大変光栄🤤 . 行こうと思ったきっかけは、カルピスを混ぜて飲むという新しい発想の『激ウマ』スタイル!を試してみたかったという👍 ビールにカルピスって想像できる?笑 . ビール瓶に美味しいカルピスシロップがぶらさがってて、これがかわいい😂 . プレーン・レモン・白桃・巨峰、4種類から選べるけど、BRITISH PUB MORRIS CRAFTY BEARさんは店舗にプレーンのみだった!味はというと、、 . これは! 「ドライザクール」だからこそ実現した究極のハーモニーでは? . 凄く美味しくてご馳走さまでした!代表として試飲した結果、これは男女関係なく、迷わずに本気で飲んで欲しい🍺 . 僕は、「ドライザクール」を半分はそのまま飲んで、もう半分はカルピスを混ぜるという贅沢をしたけどね🙏 飲んだら、感想をコメントください^^女の子を誘って行くといいかも? . I was invited to a tasting event of "Dry the cool" by Asahi beer company as a male representative of Fukuoka Prefecture in 47 prefectures.(I'm not such a young, though...lol)It was a great honor for me. . The reason I decided to go to the event is that I wanted to try "Geki Uma" style beer. It's a whole new idea that combines beer and calpis. Can you imagine mixing calpis and beer?lol . The little cute and yummy calpis sirup bottle is hanging on the beer bottle, that was really cute! . You can choose from these four flavors; plain, lemon, white peach and kyoho grape, but BRITISH PUB MORRIS CRAFTY BEAR has only plain flavor. . The taste was......!!! I felt the ultimate harmony that only "Dry The Cool" can create. . Thank you for this extreamly tasty beer experience!  As a result of tasting as a representative, regardless of gender, I absolutely recomend you to drink this! . By the way, I had a more luxurious way of drinking, drinking half of the "Dry the cool" and then mixing the remaining half with Carpis. Maybe...it's better to go with the woman...? Please tell me your impression and give me comment. . . #drythecool #calpis #coolstyle #beercocktail #PR #beer #アサヒビール #新商品 #ドライザクール #カルピス #クールスタイル #ビアカクテル #47都道府県 #福岡県代表 #福岡 #fukuoka #superdry #スーパードライ #鎌田大祐」5月29日 21時00分 - daisukekamada_official

鎌田大祐(かまだだいすけ)のインスタグラム(daisukekamada_official) - 5月29日 21時00分


プレーン・レモン・白桃・巨峰、4種類から選べるけど、BRITISH PUB MORRIS CRAFTY BEARさんは店舗にプレーンのみだった!味はというと、、
I was invited to a tasting event of "Dry the cool" by Asahi beer company as a male representative of Fukuoka Prefecture in 47 prefectures.(I'm not such a young, though...lol)It was a great honor for me.
The reason I decided to go to the event is that I wanted to try "Geki Uma" style beer. It's a whole new idea that combines beer and calpis.
Can you imagine mixing calpis and beer?lol
The little cute and yummy calpis sirup bottle is hanging on the beer bottle, that was really cute!
You can choose from these four flavors; plain, lemon, white peach and kyoho grape, but BRITISH PUB MORRIS CRAFTY BEAR has only plain flavor.
The taste was......!!!
I felt the ultimate harmony that only "Dry The Cool" can create.
Thank you for this extreamly tasty beer experience!
As a result of tasting as a representative, regardless of gender, I absolutely recomend you to drink this!
By the way, I had a more luxurious way of drinking, drinking half of the "Dry the cool" and then mixing the remaining half with Carpis.
Maybe...it's better to go with the woman...? Please tell me your impression and give me comment.
#drythecool #calpis #coolstyle #beercocktail #PR #beer #アサヒビール #新商品 #ドライザクール #カルピス #クールスタイル #ビアカクテル #47都道府県 #福岡県代表 #福岡 #fukuoka #superdry #スーパードライ #鎌田大祐


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




