ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月18日 21時35分

Photo by Daniella Zalcman @dzalcman | I’ve spent about five years interviewing indigenous people impacted by assimilation education policies for an ongoing project called @signsofyouridentity. It’s taken me to Canada to talk to survivors of Indian residential schools that operated until 1996 and to Australia to interview members of the Stolen Generations who were taken from their mothers in the 1970s, as well as to about 25 communities in the U.S.—where we have had virtually no government-led efforts to address our own continuing history with cultural genocide. I spent the month of March in Hawaii and found many of the same stories there—language bans in the public school system, suppression of cultural practices, creating shame in young children over their ethnic identity—but also a fierce multigenerational movement to push back against colonial educational practices and build Hawaiian-led school systems. Pele, the remarkable woman in this photo, grew up like most Hawaiians her age: not speaking Hawaiian at home. There was a point in the 1980s in which there were fewer than 50 fluent speakers under the age of 18. So Pele and her husband learned Hawaiian when they went to college, and are now raising three children who speak Hawaiian as their first language. Their oldest daughter, Kalamanamana, is 17 and will head to Dartmouth in the fall. For more stories from this ongoing project, follow @dzalcman. #signsofyouridentity @insidenatgeo @opensocietyfoundations

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