Vogue Taiwan Officialのインスタグラム(voguetaiwan) - 5月18日 00時01分

​​「別再為已錯失的機會憂心了,開始尋找全新的機會吧!」1981 年打造巴黎羅浮宮金字塔,著名美國華裔建築師貝聿銘去世,享年 102 歲。(26 April 1917 – 16 May 2019)
​​'Stop worrying about missed opportunities and start looking for new ones.’ Chinese-American architect Ieoh Ming Pei has sadly passed away at the age of 102. (26 April 1917 – 16 May 2019) . He is without doubt most revered and remembered for having designed the Louvre Pyramid in 1981.
​​📷 在你的羅浮宮金字塔照片中標註 @Vogue Taiwan Official 並將貼文私訊給我們,再至此貼文下方留言,就有機會透過 Vogue 將你的照片分享給世界。
​​As I.M. Pei said: ‘Life is architecture and architecture is the mirror of life.’
​​Do you have any precious memories in front of the #LouvrePyramid ? 
​​📷 Tag your Louvre Pyramid photos with @Vogue Taiwan Official , DM your original post to us, then comment below - You can win a chance to have your photo shared by Vogue to the world.
​​左滑看更多羅浮宮街拍圖輯,一起用 Vogue 的方式緬懷獨一無二的貝聿銘。
​​Swipe left to see more fashion street digest in front of architecture. Let’s remember the one and only I.M. Pei the Vogue way.
​​#Vogue雙語讀時尚 #ieohmingpei #貝聿銘 #louvre #impei


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