M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kongのインスタグラム(maccosmeticshk) - 5月17日 10時01分

📣#MAC超級妝迷 注意!2周年限定特別邀請!
為慶祝 @M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong 兩歲生日,我哋將會邀請同M·A·C最緊密互動嘅top fans參與我哋為大家特別準備嘅Summer Makeup Night!除咗可以同M·A·C係今個夏天一齊盡情PARTY,仲會有嚟自紐約嘅M·A·C Senior Artistry Manager親自為你化上今季最FUN最ON TREND嘅夏季妝容!
🥳想獲得呢個#MAC超級妝迷 限定嘅Party Entry Pass?
1. 於此Post留言回答「你心目中最無可取締嘅M·A·C妝物+原因」
2. Follow @M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong
3. 繼續緊貼 @M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong 最新IG動向+踴躍留言
*被選中嘅美妝迷將於5月27日由專人通知! 是次活動是為香港及澳門限定,*如有任何爭議,M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong將保留最終決定權。
#MACHongKong #MACLovesHK
M·A·C invites YOU, our top fans, to join us for an exclusive SUMMER MAKEUP NIGHT to celebrate @M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong ‘s 2nd anniversary! Party with us on this hot summer night with DJ music, drinks and most of all, the hottest on-trend makeup looks this season demonstrated by M·A·C Senior Artistry from New York!
🥳Ways to enter?
1. Comment below “Your top irreplaceable M·A·C products & Why do you think it is so unique to you”
2. Follow @M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong
3. Stay active & interact with us on @M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong
We’ll pick the most active & engaging followers to win the party entry pass and contact the winners directly on 27th May! *This event is exclusively for Hong Kong and Macau districts. In case of any dispute, the decision of M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kong should be final.


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M·A·C Cosmetics Hong Kongを見た方におすすめの有名人