ローラ・カークパトリックのインスタグラム(laura_allstar) - 5月14日 22時28分

Thank you everyone who wished me a Happy Mother’s Day! I love this tiny human with all my heart. But, being a mother isn’t just about loving your own child it’s about doing the greater good for all children and their future! We can’t rely on outside sources to protect our children or to ensure there will be a future for them. A lot of nights as I rock willow to sleep I hold her tight and think of all the kids that aren’t in a home that get hugs and kind words and it brings me to tears. So many children go unloved! I don’t know there names or faces but I know there out there. I wish more than anything I could hold them and tell them they are worthy of love and the absent of that dose not mean they don’t deserve love. I don’t blame there parents (what ever the situation) I believe they are also worthy of love. Hurt people, hurt people! So we must start breaking cycles with kindness next time your in public and find your self annoyed with a loud child or angry child be patient there only trying to communicate there feelings! Watch for signs for a child crying out for attention it’s possible all they really want is love. Unloved children grow up to be adults with suppressed feelings. We can’t truly change the world till we start understanding one another’s needs. I hope I will be a positive influence on any child in need and it’s my main goal in life!
#mothertoall #humanity #callingallmothers #killthemwithkindness #motherearthlove #childhoodunplugged #willowwunders #sunsetsanddandelions #positiveinfluence #kentuckyphotographer #childhoodtrauma


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