ハル・ベリーのインスタグラム(halleberry) - 5月4日 01時35分

Yay, it’s  #FitnessFriday! I have a good one for you this week. I was a gymnast as a kid and I find that continuing to do #ParallelBars exercises helps me with my balance and activates multiple muscles that I don’t often use in my regular workout. It’s always good to keep surprising your body with new ways to strengthen it. @peterleethomas & I demonstrate #ParallelBars exercises with a little twist - gym membership NOT necessary. Instead of standard bars, we’ll be using two household stools that gave us the same intense workout. These may look simple, but they are NOT, trust and know! So let’s challenge that inner warrior and BRING it. Head to today’s stories for 5 intro parallel bench exercises and let me know what you think.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




