キース・パワーズのインスタグラム(keithpowers) - 4月24日 01時18分

I wanted to share this beautiful message from a genuine soul, @willcatlett. Which is hard to find in this industry. These words are so real. It’s easy for celebs, influencers or someone with a platform (whatever you want to call it) to act like this hustle is easy. It’s not. We need more individuals to embrace and share their struggle because that’s where the beauty is. Even with a platform we still struggle because life will always challenge us. Anyone who’s close to giving up, trust me I FEEL YOU. Please don’t give up. It’s so normal to feel that way, because we’re human, bruh. One thing I always want to give people, if I don’t give you anything, is the REAL. I will not act as if I’m higher than someone because of where I am in life. I’m not, I’m a man who makes mistakes and is learning. This video is a beautiful reminder for me. It will always be relevant no matter where I am in life. I want to share with you all so it can be a reminder for you too. Trust in your art first and remain patient. Thank you, Will.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




