Stephanie Sterjovskiのインスタグラム(stephsjolly) - 4月22日 00時14分

“May you see yourself the way God sees you: deeply loved, profoundly called and purposefully placed here for such a time as this. May you pause today, look up, and listen for the voice of the Lord in your life. May you notice when He moves in your midst. You are a vessel of the most High God. May He fill you up to overflowing and may you spill over to a world very much in need.” — My prayers are with my brothers & sisters in Sri Lanka who have lost their lives, just for practicing their faith this Easter. No one, from any faith, should have to be prosecuted or killed for their beliefs. We have to be better. 💔
If you really want to be like Jesus: be the one who stays when everyone else leaves. Be the one who forgives, even when it’s undeserved. Be the one to show grace when everyone else is casting stones. Because that’s who Jesus was and is. #MyKingForever #CrossEqualsLove #ResurrectionSunday
Quote: Susie Larson
Photo: Chester See


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