オータム・リーザーのインスタグラム(autumn_reeser) - 4月16日 06時11分

I’m still enjoying every second I have left to explore this beautiful play. Two more weekends. Thank you, LA Beat, for this lovely review — “Autumn Reeser as daughter Kitty is masterful as the character around and upon whom most everything happens. She appears with such realness you find yourself wanting to turn your head away for fear of intruding on someone’s personal moments. This in turn makes her the perfect representation for what for me was the heart of play – the difficulty that accompanies building friendships, relationships, even lives with people who don’t know that they don’t know themselves.” ☀️
Only two weekends left!! We will sell out so get your tickets now- link in bio. THANK YOU to everyone who has come out to experience this beautiful play thusfar!! .
#TooMuchSun @odysseytheatre #LosAngeles #LAtheatre #theatre #comedy #acting #art


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