ハンナ・シモンのインスタグラム(therealhannahsimone) - 4月10日 07時25分

Ok. Ok. I know we just got through the bang thing- and for the record I didn’t cave and cut them I JUST DID WHAT FELT RIGHT FOR ME so if you are growing them out do you boo boo- but.... should I cut my hair? Like all of them? Bob it? Should I not crowdsource this? Should I move to France if I cut my hair because ohlala it feels tres chic? To sum it up: I’ve been editing my pilot for a thousand hours and think I may be going nuts. All thoughts left below will be considered. Or leave a weird story. Maybe distractions will save me from a big snip.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




