モーガン・ミッチェルのインスタグラム(morganmitch) - 4月8日 07時32分

Why 3rd feels like 1st: I transitioned to the 800m only 7 months ago. New coach, new event, new environment. I’ve raced this event 6 times and in the space of 5 months @team_mathews_running @elizabethmathews21 got me from 2:06.7 to 2:01.6 IN 5 FREAKING MONTHS. The belief you and the squad had in me from start to finish this domestic season especially when things got rough was nothing short of amazing and I’m extremely grateful. To the rest of my team that put in the work to get me through this domestic season healthy (sans achilles haha lol) and gave me just as much support, I thank you too♥️ Now I can’t wait to see what we can get done overseas. Thanks a milli. 💫 PS Huge congrats to @catrionabisset & @georgia.griffith for taking out 1st and 2nd, bloody mental💖


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