ニック・ナイトのインスタグラム(nick_knight) - 4月8日 06時04分

It’s the white elephant in the room . For three years I have been waiting for someone to tell me a really important reason to leave the EU . I must admit I didn’t ever want to leave , but I always thought that being reasonably open minded , that there must be a really good reason that I just hadn’t grasped .
Three years later and I have talked to so many people , from MPs on the Brexit committee, like Matt Hancock and Hilary Benn ( neither of which could offer up a single solitary reason to leave ) to the Prime Minister, again no actual reason that would make me change my mind .
I have listened to so many awful foolish things said by the likes of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage who again and again offered up no real convincing reasons to leave . So why would people like the owners of the Daily Mail , The Telegraph, The Ritz and rich businessmen like Johnson and Rees Mogg be so totally desperate to get the UK out of the single biggest trading block in the world ?? It’s obvious why the leaders of the rival trading blocks like Putin and Trump would want to see the EU smashed up and no longer a powerful world présence . I can even see why people who felt neglected by a fast paced global economy may feel left behind and their voices ignored, but they will be worse off and still no one will be listening to their plight if we leave , please don’t try and persuade me that the awful Brexit NoDeal nutcases in the Tory party care two hoots for the average British worker !!! There are no real reasons that stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever ever .
Our country is going to be far far worse off out of the EU and that seems to be a fact that virtually no one contests any more . So why are we leaving ?? Why do people like Johnson and the appalling Rees Mogg want to wreck the EU as well as take us out ???
The only reason I have been shown that makes sense as to why the very rich are so desperate to make the UK worse off might well be in the two posts I have attached.
Finally , colluding with another country to the detriment of the UK is simply called treason .
I look forward to the trials beginning Johnson, Rees Mogg, Farage and co .


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