NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 5月28日 11時08分

2012 Memorial Day Commemorative Event - A member of ‘The President’s Own’, Marine Corps Band played ‘Taps’ to conclude the 2012 Goddard Memorial Day commemorative event. The Goddard Veterans Advisory Committee (VAC) presented a Memorial Day commemorative event, May 23 in the Building #8 auditorium. Keynote speaker for the event was NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden, also a retired Major General, U.S. Marine Corps. Attendees included Goddard Center Director Chris Scolese, himself a Navy veteran; Tuskegee Airman Charles Pryde; several Goddard World War II veterans; several members of the Wounded Warrior unit, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; Goddard veterans and community members. This is the second year Goddard veterans have sponsored an event to honor those who have made the supreme sacrifice in defense of the freedoms we enjoy everyday. ‘In Memory of America’s Fallen’ was attended by more than 250 Goddard community members, and viewed by countless more at satellite locations and in their offices. #nasa #memorialday #nasagoddard


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