Qing Hanのインスタグラム(qinniart) - 3月28日 03時01分

How To (mess up then fix) Draw Lips. 😂~
Glossy or matte lips? I dunno why but I've always really loved glossy lips ♪(´ε` )

Editing this smallll part took kinda long too loll. I'm gonna edit the while video later, just dunno when yet cause I'm working on the 3rd cover for..well, you guys will see eventually haha. I'm just very slow at working on anything these days cause back pain xD

Before I woke up I dreamed that my chest scar was all reduced to the point where it was hardly visible looool. I was so disappointed when I woke up 😂😭😭. The disappointment was so palpable I had to share lmaooo ~ oh well haha 😆

Ps, thank you guys for all the birthday wishes and coffee 💕💕💕~

#illustration #painting #lips #howto


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